Successful "Green Hydrogen in Lower Saxony" digital exchange

Wasserstoff ist auch in der Luftfahrt eines der Zukunftsthemen mit den bekannten Herausforderungen. Voraussetzung für die Wasserstoffnutzung ist sowohl die Entwicklung alltagstauglicher und wirtschaftlich betreibbarer Flugzeugkonzepte als auch der Aufbau der erforderlichen Infrastruktur und Logistik am Boden.

Hydrogen is also one of the topics of the future in aviation, with its well-known challenges. The prerequisite for hydrogen use is both the development of aircraft concepts that are suitable for everyday use and can be operated economically, and the establishment of the necessary infrastructure and logistics on the ground.

On March 4, 2021, a digital platform for exchange was offered to those interested in hydrogen in the industry by the state initiative Niedersachsen Aviation, which has been implemented by LNC GmbH on behalf of the Lower Saxony Ministry of Economics, Labor, Transport and Digitalization since 2008.

More than 100 participants took advantage of the event "Green Hydrogen in Lower Saxony" moderated by LNC authorized signatory Dr. Henrik Brokmeier to learn about the hydrogen economy in Lower Saxony as well as funding programs of the state to support innovations in this field.

After presentations by representatives of the state or Lower Saxony's investment and development bank, AIRBUS presented the status quo on hydrogen in aerospace and gave an outlook.

In breakout sessions, the participants then had the opportunity to exchange views on the challenges facing the industry in the field of hydrogen and to identify joint approaches to solutions.