LNC being part of Interreg GLEAM NSR project

Europakarte_GLEAM  NSRLNC is part of an Interreg NSR project that kicked off in Groningen on January 23/24. The cities of Aarhus (Denmark), Le Havre Seine Métropole (France), Leuven, Mechelen (Belgium) and Rotterdam (Netherlands) from the North Sea Region (NSR) are part of the GLEAM NSR team as well as the Universities of Gothenburg (Sweden), Groningen (Netherlands), the innovation platform VIL (Belgium) and SMEunited (Belgium), an association of Crafts and SMEs in Europe as well as Copenhagenize Design Co. (France), a multi-disciplinary "go-to team" for cities in all matters relating to bicycle culture, planning, traffic and communications and LNC LogisticNetwork Consultants GmbH. Bax & Company is accompanying the partners, both with project management and urban logistics knowhow. 

Two issues are being addressed simultaneously in the 42-month GLEAM NSR project: helping cities develop and implement ambitious policy and governance frameworks for sustainable urban logistics, while ensuring not only larger enterprises, but also SMEs can keep up. The project will create or upscale multi-level, multi-stakeholder collaboration platforms where the inputs of governments, academics, industry, and citizens will be used for more efficient policies and actions for just and green urban logistics. This requires joint action, and GLEAM NSR partners have deep and complementary expertise in this field. They have already experimented with policies and solutions, and can now join forces to exchange best practices, improve and upscale actions. GLEAM NSR puts transportation justice at the heart of the urban logistics transition, striving to represent SMEs in policy and governance structures. This approach will help local authorities better understand the needs of SMEs, facilitate the implementation of climate-neutral transport policies, and secure their wider acceptance. 

LNC is one of the two GLEAM NSR policy partners that will support cities in developing policy measures, strategies and interventions that can stimulate green and just logistics solutions. LNC will be working transnationally with all cities and their local support organisations, while also liaising with German public (e.g. 60 German cities that developed Green City Masterplans) and private partners (e.g. BdKEP – Federal Association of Courier Express Mail Services).
More specifically, LNC will: 

  • contribute to developing the urban logistics policy profiles and provide comparative perspectives from Germany, 
  • support all activities related to digitisation and capacity enhancement for public authorities, 
  • gather and compare lessons learned, define policy recommendations and scaling-up activities, and support cities in the replication of good practices, 
  • transfer knowledge across other German cities and stakeholders, promoting and enlarging GLEAM NSR’s outreach. 

LNC LogisticNetwork Consultants GmbH has been active in consulting municipalities for many years and supports them in developing and implementing urban logistics concepts. When advising cities and municipalities, we incorporate our experience from a large number of projects to reveal to our clients approaches and opportunities to improve the framework conditions for commercial transportation and thus achieve benefits for all parties involved. 

Are you interested in the topic? Then contact our experts Dr. Jens Klauenberg and Michael Kuchenbecker. 

GLEAM NSR – an Interreg North Sea project, co-funded by the European Union
Interreg GLEAM NSR