The Flex Q-Hub at the mieri mobil

Von Juni bis Dezember 2021 wird die Mierendorff-INSEL zum Schauplatz mehrerer Pionierprojekte aus Mobilität und Logistik. Dazu gehört auch Stadtquartier 4.1 mit seinem »Flex Q-Hub« und dem Lastenradsharing, der den Kiez dem Ziel einer quartiersbezogenen Logistik und Mobilität ein Stück näher bringen soll.

Berlin | June 2021: From June to December 2021, the Mierendorff-INSEL will be the venue for several pioneering mobility and logistics projects. These include Stadtquartier 4.1 with its "Flex Q-Hub" and cargo bike sharing, which is intended to bring the neighborhood a little closer to the goal of neighborhood-based logistics and mobility.

Under the title "mieri-mobil," part of Mierendorffplatz is now being used to test forward-looking concepts that will make the district more sustainable and social. A large part of the goods traffic that flows into the district, originates within the district or is handled, is to be handled via the Flex-Q-Hub. Goods are to be distributed and transported within the quarter or beyond in a radius that is profitable for e-load bikes. With the benefit of logistics solutions, traffic is to be reduced, relocated and made more compatible.

In this way, the Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf district office wants to break new ground in making the neighborhood safer and more livable. This is also the goal of the Stadtquartier 4.1 project.

The district councilor Oliver Schruoffeneger and his delegation visited the Stadtquartier booth and got insights into the process of the Flex-Q-Hub, the e-load bikes as well as the empirical accompanying research of the BMBF funded project by the project consortium.

During a panel presentation Stadtquartier 4.1 was presented by Luc Kaiser from the LNC. The goals and the process of the project as well as the various application examples of the Flex Q-Hub and the three e-load bikes, which the companies and residents of the Mierendorff-INSEL can borrow to transport goods, were presented.